Project Overview

The Product

CoffeeHouse app which has the list of different coffee shops around the city. And this app let the user to book multiple coffee from nearest shop before arrive the shop so they can pick the order without spending much time in that shop.

Project Duration

2 week (May 2021)

My Role & Responsibilities

Concept, Research, Designing & Testing

Project Vision

To provide an user friendly and easy to use app so people can book coffees before reaching at the store which attracts those people who don't have much time. So they can save the standing time at the store while coffee is being ready.

Paper wireframe

Now this is our paper wireframe which we created to see the basic structure of our app which we are going to design. And before moving onto high fidelity wireframes and mocks, I wanted to get a feel for what the core of the app would look like when put in front of me.  

Meet the Users

User journey map

We conducted various interviews and created empathy maps to understand that how the app that we are designing can solve vast majority people’s problem and what will be the overall impact on them.
Most of the users are busy professional so they don’t want to spend much times to get coffees in coffee shops. Sometimes they wants to get multiple coffees and which takes a lots of times.

User research: pain points & Affinity diagram

During the user research which conducted on various users we noticed some of the users were facing some problems during the use of the app. And here we identified some of the common but important problems by the Affinity diagram which was affecting the overall user experience and halting the users to complete some tasks and confusing them.

Low-fidelity prototype

Here it is the low fidelity prototype of the CoffeeHouse App so the design can go for the usability test. Click the button below to explore the prototype.



This is the final prototype of our design which is representing some of it’s main functional features. Click the link below to explore the full prototype.



What I learned

During this designing phase i learned that sometimes it is better to create multiple designs so that you can get a various feedbacks of the designs. Which helped me learn more about new design ideas.


The app will help users to save their time which was wasting by waiting for the coffee been prepare.

One quote from peer feedback:
“This app easy to use and saves a lots of time ”